GIMOD phase 1 project was the previous step of MEGAMORPH. Also funded by ATTRACT, coordinated by SCALE Nanotech and provided by Graphenea Semiconductor.
During this project, the consortium fabricated the firsts graphene interferometric modulator display (GIMOD) prototypes. SCALE Nanotech manufactured 21 prototypes and 2 demonstrators with different designs, to be finalized by Graphenea with their patented transfer method of graphene.
Free-standing chemically-vapour-deposited graphene MEMS were optimized to enhance the optical modulation of light when electrically actuated. The joint efforts were focused in transforming the GIMOD research into a breakthrough innovation, with the ultimate objective of fabricating, characterising and demonstrating cm2 -size microdisplay prototypes in an industrially scalable manner.
The main results of the GIMOD Project were:
- Fabrication of 21 ultrahigh-resolution prototypes (proof-of-concept) and 2 QWXGA (2048 × 1152) 0.65” demonstrators with 3630 ppi.
- Optimization of GIMOD design via simulation of GIMOD pixels.
- Display characterization with custom-made setup.
- Dissemination of results through website and Twitter while planning a scientific manuscript.
- Creation of business plan and pitch to investors.